In art class, Ms. Bev brought in beads! The children worked on beaded Christmas ornaments. They loved choosing their colors and threading the beads onto the line. There is just something about beads, buttons, rice, beans, and other beautifully tactile materials that children just love!
Today was the big Greek Party in Ms. Allison's history class! The kids (and teachers) came in togas, headbands, and came bearing Greek food! The children tried pita chips and hummus, pita bread and olive oil dip, spanakopitas baklava, olives, meatballs, and more!
Math- In math class, we have been learning, in class at at home, about measurement. Today, the students worked with capacity. It is so difficult for a child to first get their head around the fact that taller containers do not always hold more than shorter ones! By the end of math class, they were all focusing more on the capacity the container has to hold liquid, rather than its height!
In spelling today, we focused a lot on the sound "wor" as in "worms". This is not something that can be sounded out! The class took their spelling list and wrote each word onto a different notecard. Then, they had a relay. The kids had to take turns dropping one of their notecards into the appropriate "special sounds" box. At the end, we sat in a group and discussed the cards within each box. There were quite a few "wor" as in "worm" cards (like work and word) in the "or" as in "morning" box! Hopefully, after today's lesson, it will be easier for them to spot this sound.
In Language Arts, the children learned that you drop the silent "e" in words before adding a suffix that begins with a vowel. For instance, when you turn "race" into "racing", you must drop the silent "e". The class worked through examples of this as a group.
The class and I walked over to check out the garden. They learned how broccoli and cauliflower grow inside the middle of the plant, tried a piece of fancy lettuce (all of the tried it!), and checked out the goat's new winter coats!
We will continue at-home assignments through Friday of this week. Then, enjoy a nice, long, Christmas break! At-home assignments will begin on Monday, January 6th.