Friday, March 4, 2016

2016-2017 Registration Info



KinderFarm Mini-Camp for ages 4-5
June 21-22 from 9:30-12:00

Agriculture Education
Hands-On Time with the Animals
Art/Craft Related to Topic
Story Time Correlating with Subject
Farm Games, Music, & Fun!

2 Summer Camp Sessions
June 6-9 & July 11-14

Students may come to both sessions, as they will differ.  

Classes meet Mon-Thurs - $90

Discounted price for both sessions - $160
9:00-11:30 for ages 5-7
12:00-2:30 for ages 8-11
*certain age exceptions can be made for siblings

Class size is LIMITED!  Register today, as classes are filling quickly!

Click here for Summer Camp Registration Forms


Farm Fusion Homeschool Classes

Farm Fusion is made up of five four-week workshops each focusing on a different agriculture topic.  Art, writing, reading, math concepts, grammar, etc are integrated with the agriculture lessons.  This enrichment/elective course is a year-long commitment.  ($450/year) The students remain together for each of the workshops, creating an environment to bond, play, celebrate, and learn with friends!  This class also includes holiday parties for students to experience with their peers!

It is very important for me to create a safe atmosphere that allows for my students be to able to concentrate, learn, and have fun.  Therefore, all children must be able to participate in a classroom environment.  In our farm environment, frequent behavior issues or unwillingness to participate cannot be tolerated.

Farm Fusion classes meet on Wednesdays

9:00-11:30 (Ages 5-7)

12:00-2:30 (Ages 7-11)

Registration Forms

Additional Sibling 


  SAM workshops (Science, Ag, Mathematics)   

Option for ages 12-16!

There will be 4-5 two-day workshops 

Wednesdays -   11:30-2:00
  $40 per workshop (includes supplies)  

Registration Forms

Additional Sibling