The class worked with different patterns today. They created a large ornament, and each section consisted of a different pattern. Learning to follow steps and listen to directions is a huge part of growing and maturing! I am very pleased with their progress so far this year!

The younger class talked more about action verbs today. They did an awesome job with their stories! We made a big list of all of the actions verbs used in their writing assignments. The group really improved in their ability to recognize them!
The older class learned about prepositions today. They then used prepositions to make a little booklet about one of our trouble-making goats! Their booklet contained illustrations of the little doe jumping "over" the fence, getting "into" the feed, hiding "under" a car, etc. Who knew that goats were a perfect way to study prepositions! They will work on finishing these up and home, and we will share them when we return on January 13th!