It was chilly today, but we got out and spent some time in the fresh air! The class chose their new animals to care for over the next few weeks, and even though it was cold, they did a great job tackling a new task!
Our Farm Fusion lesson was on guineas. We had just wrapped up a turkey lesson, and guineas have a lot of similarities to turkeys. They both have no feathers on their heads, and they both have 28 day incubation periods. We talked about some of the big differences, though! Their personalities are completely different (especially the poults and keets!), and they originated from entirely different continents. We talked about their African roots and read an African folktale, "Guinea Fowl and Rabbit Get Justice". Like most folktales, this story was one passed down through the generations and teaches life lessons. We discussed the important lessons that it was trying to teach, and they will have an opportunity to work on their own (if they choose)!
We added a little bit of phonics to our guinea lesson today. Because "guinea" makes a long e sound with an ea, and "keet" makes a long e sound with ee, we talked about the tricky long e sound and how it can be made with ey, ie, y, ea, ee, or just e. We made a chart on the board, and the kids discussed different examples that we could add to each column. Hopefully, it will help with their at-home spelling and reading lessons!
Next, we worked on making snowflake ornaments out of pasta! The kids first took time to work on some designs with different types of pasta. Then, they glued the pieces together and laid them to dry on wax paper. We will paint these next week!