The class chose their new animal care jobs today. We'll have these for the next three weeks, and then we will get new jobs after winter break. In the spring, jobs change and things get exciting!

The class began working on their new art project. We will hopefully finish these up next week and begin on our next big one. It will involve an Eastern European artform!
At home, the class was shown three different European paintings of farm scenes. They were asked to choose on of the paintings and write a story about it. Just as I'd hoped, the students came up with vastly different storylines for the animals, characters, and settings! I showed the painting and the class took turns sharing their stories. We discussed the tone of the artwork and the different interpretations. They did such a great job!
Since the day was so gorgeous, we headed back outside after reading our stories. The kids were each given a set of gloves and we set to work pulling up old dead plants from our raised bed garden. The kids needed some time outdoors, and this was a great activity to get them moving!