In art class, the students learned to weave construction paper! It was a little tricky to get the alternating pattern down, but once they did, it moved quickly. Their weaved patterns were made into little bags... which was a huge hit with this group of girls!
In math class, we reviewed concepts on adding and subtracting one digit numbers from two digit ones. We drew number bonds, bar models, and 10 rods and 1 cubes. We talked about subtracting when your single digit number can come right out of your ones place (55-2=?) and what to do, mentally, when the ones place isn't large enough (52-8). The next few days, at home, will continue to review concepts that the kids have learned so far. Soon, we will be moving on to adding the same digit multiple times (3+3+3), which will lead us in to the concept of multiplication!
The class did an amazing job with their letters to those serving our country. The kids wrote to thank them for their service, ask them questions, and express their love for their country. I will be sending them out this week (and a copy will go in their writing folders).
Janet Gruel from the Georgia Farm Bureau came to class today to read the book, "Who Grew My Soup" by Tom Darbyshire. The class discussed different vegetables, how they grow, and why they are so great! The kids did a wonderful job of being polite and attentive listeners! If we are lucky, they will go home and want to eat some nutritious foods!
In Spanish class, the kids worked on making their cards of fruits and their Spanish names. Ms. Rose uses these cards for fun games that help the class to commit terms to memory! They created and worked with their fruit cards in class, and will be watching a fun video at home to reinforce these words.
In science class, we have Leopard Frog eggs! The eggs have not hatched into tadpoles just yet, but we will post any action that occurs before next week's class. The kids talked about the life cycles of both butterflies and frogs. Our butterflies are still safe inside their chrysalises, just "hanging out"! The class read the story "The Forest of Shrew". This story helped to explain habitats and micro-habitats in a fun way. It introduced them, specifically, to tree habitats. Ms. Caroline will be expanding on trees and their importance next week.
For our next writing assignment, we will be using the book, "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein. I read the book to the class today, and we discussed the selfless act of giving by the tree. We also discussed sequencing. The kids were each given strips with different parts of the story written on them. They placed these in order, gluing them onto construction paper. After our sequencing activity, the students were given graphic organizers to jot down their thoughts on people who are 'giving' to them. They wrote down the names of three people, and how each is 'giving'. At home, they will be using these ideas that they brainstormed in class to help inspire them to write!
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