In art, the kids continued their rooster projects. They overlapped the cut-outs of their hands to form tail-feathers! This is a time consuming project, but it is looking amazing!
In math class, students have been learning that adding the same digit over and over is the same as multiplying! Today, we took this concept a step further. They took multilink cubes and broke the group of cubes up (divided them) into equal groups. For instance, they could take 12 cubes and "divide" them into 3 equal groups. Then, they took the same 12 cubes and divided them into 4 equal groups. I wrote their findings on the board. Then, I explained that they just practiced division! They were very excited to hear how super smart they are! We continued to work with manipulatives on division problems throughout class. They may not have been told the term, but they also were introduced to the commutative property of multiplication. Multiplying two numbers will give the same answer, regardless of the order that they are in.
Spanish- These kids were pretty impressive today, as they used sentences to say that they like or do not like certain fruits. They played the game where they have to decide if Ms. Rose needs to order food at a restaurant or buy it at the store, depending on the Spanish phrase that she used. They did a much better job this week than last week!
After everyone shared their stories, we read the new poem that the kids have been working on this week, "Mr. Nobody". I explained some of the words in this poem, such as "mischief". Then, we talked a bit about the things that Mr. Nobody does in our houses! The class reviewed all of their grammar definitions: nouns (common & proper), verbs, and pronouns. They recited the list of pronouns, which they still need to keep working on at home. Each of them was then given a piece of paper, divided into three sections. Each section was then labeled "verbs", "nouns", and "pronouns". I then wrote a word on the board. As a class, we decided which column it belonged in. We worked our way through many different words. At home, the kids will be adding their own words to the columns. Next week, they will share them, and we will decide if they are correctly placed.
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