The class continued to work on their guinea projects with Ms. Nancy today. They will be finishing them up next week as we wrap up the guardian study.

Our group listened to a story of sheep herding LGD's in the Rocky Mountains. We talked about the predators that the flocks face their, and how the LGD's are socialized into the herd that they will protect. Then, we made our way outdoors to observe the dogs and to play a fun game! The kids were all foxes, trying to sneak into the "door" of a chicken coop (hula hoop). They had to sneak in, one by one, until they finally knock the hula hoop to the ground. As soon as the hula hoop falls, the guardian dog is alerted, and has to try to tag as many foxes as he or she can! We played until each and every person had a chance to be the LGD!
I was so very impressed with the writing that the students are doing at home! Whether they are able to write it themselves, dictate to parents, copy, or write entire studies on their own, they are all working so hard at their personal best! I love making a big deal of their hard work, and we often pause between papers to discuss the concepts they mention or the writing techniques they use. Next week, we will be working on something special in class to incorporates all of our guardian animals!
For next week-
Instead of writing a story, I want you to come up with super hero characters for a guinea, donkey, and livestock guardian dog. Draw and color pictures of your characters and bring them to class! We will be doing something with them!
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