Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Beautiful, Sunny Day 1!

What a beautiful first day for the 1st-3rd grade class!

The students met all of the animals, getting an overview of the farm. They learned that billy goats are actually called bucks, that angora rabbits are super fluffy, and that there are huge differences between breeds of livestock! The class was also able to meet some 3 day old goat kids and spent the day checking on the other two pregnant does.

Whether it’s planting, breeding, hatching, or expanding, many aspects of farming involve making plans well in advance. We talked about the importance of setting goals on and off the farm. I asked a few students to help me with a demonstration. The kids each threw a ball into the air and caught it 3 times each. The class took note of how few drops were made. Then, I asked each kid to throw their ball up three more times, but this time they had to try to catch someone else's ball. Of course, they missed almost every time. The class discussed reasons for this difference. Then, I explained that this is a lot like setting goals for ourselves versus when other people set goals for us. If we take an active role in setting goals for ourselves, we are more likely to reach them!

After some fun animal time and a read-aloud, reach student came up with a personal goal for the year, which they drew on paper. In the next few weeks, we will be incorporating the concept of goals into our art project. We began our project by painting the backgrounds, but the class will see it really take shape next week!

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