Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Last week, we added a new miniature horse on the farm!  The kids learned how tricky socializing a new animal to the farm can be.  In this case, we have one other miniature horse, Miss Kitty.  Miss Kitty is best friends with Delilah, the miniature donkey.  When we first brought Belle to the farm, Miss Kitty was very interested... but Delilah was furious!  Of course, we are keeping Belle separated from all of the animals for now.  The kids wrote about being the "new kid", meeting a new friend, or Delilah's jealousy for their at home writing assignment.  They did such an amazing job with these!  

We continued our lesson on socialization with a book on a team of guardian donkeys and dogs.  Through the book and our discussion of my experiences, the class learned that these things take time!  Livestock guardians must learn to respect new livestock in their keep.  You have to be careful when introducing new animals to the pasture!

The class began a new set of farm chores, which they will keep until Christmas break.  It was super cold today, but the animals must eat!

For art, the students finished up their fall trees and begin a Christmas craft.  They painted the base this week and will decorate their Christmas trees next week.

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