Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Fiber Workshop Day 3

Brrr!  It was a little chilly today, but we learned indoors until things warmed up.  The class began with Farm News.  Tootsie the goat had her baby on Sunday!  I explained the signs that I looked for to know when to separate her from the herd.  I also gave an update on the guinea keets that are warning around with their momma guinea hen and her little flock.  They are doing great, and all eight are still alive!  

After Farm News (and a LOT of questions and comments!), we had a review of what we have learned so far in our fiber classes.  Then, the classes learned about alpacas!  Although we don't have alpacas here on the farm, I am hoping for a furry visitor next month!  

The students learned different terms used in alpaca farming.  Then, the class learned the steps involved in turning fiber from angora rabbits, sheep, goats, or alpacas into yarn.  They should be able to tell you about scouring, combing, dying, and spinning!

For art today, the class worked with felt.  We talked about the difference between natural and synthetic fiber, and the kids enjoyed working with mixed medium!  Ms. Gina taught the class about an artist named Kandinsky.  He is a Russian artist, and the founder of abstract art.  The class recreated one of his famous pieces using construction paper and felt cut-outs.  The older class continued to work on their yarn spiral projects.  Although some finished it in class today, others decided to take it home to finish it.  It was really interesting to me to hear the different reactions on this project.  Some preferred painting and sketching, but others really loved the opportunity to work with their hands and wrap the yarn!  I love that they were given the opportunity to try something new!

We will be back next week for our last day of the fiber workshop! 

This week's writing options:

  1. Write an alpaca story.  Try to use some of the terms that we talked about in class, such as cria (baby alpaca under 1 year old), maiden (female that hasn't had a baby yet),  A female is called a "hembra" and a male is called a "macho".  A mother is a dam and a father is a sire.... just like with goats!
  2. Write a poem about an alpaca.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Fiber Workshop - Day 2

Today was packed!  Farm News consisted of some happy stories and sad stories this week.  We discussed coccidiosis, which often affects young poultry.  When introducing young chicks, poults, keets, or ducklings to an area where others have been raised, it is important to thoroughly sanitize the waterer, feeders, and everything they come into contact with.  Coccidiosis is always present.  Most of the time, older animals can just fight off the issue.  Young or weak animals cannot fight off the naturally occurring parasite, and need help!  We talked about the medication used to treat this issue.  In other news, the class learned that the vet came out and determined that the sore spots on the mini horse are signs of a fly bite allergy.  This year has been an awful year for flies, and it seems our little girl is allergic to their bites.  We will continue to work hard to eliminate flies from her area, and to use repellent to keep them off of her as best we can. The good news is that, in a few weeks, the flies here in Georgia will start to die off! 

The classes continued their lesson today as we talked about different breeds of goats and rabbits that give us fiber to spin into yarn.  The groups were able to spend time with Vincent VanGora, our angora rabbit.  He was recently shorn, so the students were able to see how much fiber one bunny can give!  Of course, we spent some time giving sweet Vincent some love.

In art, the younger class worked with yarn as they created yarn “paintings” using contact paper.  They cut their yarn to the lengths they needed, and carefully made designs and pictures across the sticky surface.  The older class had a more intricate project that will take more than one week to complete.  They covered cord with yarn, and then wrapped it in a way to create a coil.  This coil will eventually become a trivet.  It took some practice, but they are getting the hang of it!  We will work next week to keep wrapping the design. 

Our story today was about an angora goat named Kidd.  Kidd didn’t want to be sheared, so he left his Texas farm and ran away.  The story was a great fit for our lesson!  In the end, Kidd realized that being sheared wasn’t a bad thing at all.  As a group, we talked about times where we don’t want to do things that we actually need to do.  We talked about little siblings refusing to get their haircut, times we didn’t want to go to the dentist, etc.  Kidd was a very relatable character!

We checked out the animals outside, and it looks like Tootsie, one of our Nigerian Dwarf does, is about two weeks away from kidding.  I love this part of class, where kids can slowly walk through the year on a farm!  Right now, the guinea keets are following their mommas through the pasture, the turkeys are strutting in the cool air, and the Nigerian Dwarves are getting ready for their fall kids! 

This week's writing assignment will be all about descriptive words!  Come up with any farm story that you would like.... but be sure to use adjectives and adverbs to make your story vivid and descriptive.  We will be talking about adverbs and adjectives in class, as we work together to describe the different animals on the farm and their unique behaviors.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Fiber Workshop - Day 1

Today, we had to play catch up a bit!  We finished up our dairy lesson from last workshop with a quick review in how cream is formed (and why store bought milk does not separate).  The class then made their own butter by shaking up a container of cream using a marble and some dance music!  The marble helps to speed up the process, and the music keeps the kids hopping and energetic while they shake their containers!


Today’s lesson was an introduction on different types of fiber that comes from plants and animals.  We discussed cotton, mohair, angora rabbit fiber, sheep’s wool, and alpaca fleece.  We had an integrated social studies lesson, as the students learned about the Navajo tribe and their beautiful woven rugs.  We read the book “Goat in the Rug”, which is a true story about a Navajo weaver and her goat, Geraldine. 

We were able to get out and play today!  The kids were able to eat outside, play tag, and visit with the animals.  With the recent rain, I was very excited that we could get out and soak up the sun!  Afterward, the kids were able to see the newly hatched ducklings!  A couple weeks ago, the kids candled the duck eggs to see the embryos growing inside.  Today, they saw those little babies and were able to hold them!

In art, the class worked with yarn to create baby turtles!  They had to concentrate as they wove the yarn in a certain way to create the shell.  It took the younger ones a little practice, but they all mastered the technique and did a great job!

Next week, we will continue our fiber lesson as we zero in on the different sources of fiber and their uses.  Each student will need to bring in their writing assignment!  For next week’s class, think about the story of Geraldine and the Navajo rug.  In the story, the narrator was the goat, herself.  She told the story from her point of view.  Now, you choose a fiber animal: goat, angora rabbit, alpaca, or sheep.  (If you’d like to be really creative, you could even be a cotton plant!)  Now, tell a story about something that is made from your wool, mohair, or fleece!

Parents- If you bring in foods that require a spoon or fork, please bring them in…. OR…. feel free to bring in a box of plastic-ware to keep in the room!  We are going through forks and spoons left and right.  Thanks!